Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Countdown

Yes, yes, the promises to regularly post updates are broken. 
The dilemma of this infrequency is threefold: 
1) I have poor time management 
2) University has turned me into a guilty school girl when my mouse hovers over the blog post link
3) I don't have much to say these days

But ah-HAH! I have a plan. 

Today marks 62 days until I go jet-setting across the globe. 
(YES. This is actually happening. I am going overseas.)

New York
Galapagos Islands

With me, I am bringing my other half - Well, he will be with me for destinations one, two and three. Sadly, at this point, he runs out of annual leave. I, on the other hand, have months of uni break ahead of me. So, me, the solo traveller will be keeping busy immersing myself in a rock pool of the the world's cultures and trying not to miss Him too much. Here's where the plan comes in.. Hopefully, if technology and money is on my side, you'll be hearing (reading) all about it and cheering me on with comments below.
 This is, after all, a huge deal for me to travel, let alone ALONE!

(If not, I'll upload pics and journal entries when I get home, but let's try to stay positive, shall we?)


sixty-two and counting...
(And now, back to my assignment that's due in a few short hours.)