You know that "Expo" channel on Free to Air digital television? It's hypnotising. I'm a huge sucker. I do exactly what people tell me to do. (Tonight, I wanted to buy this amazing pasta maker. You could make fresh pasta in just 4 mins. And add flavour to it too! Wow-wee!) Billboards are the same... I see a giant billboard of Cadbury, and for some reason, I just feel like chocolate.
We were driving south from Byron Bay, wondering where to stay that night. Port Macquarie was coming up closer and there were billboards along the way. (I came prepared with snacks already in the car.)
First there was Rydges. The picture made it look as if the bedroom was a resort of it's own! I was sold!
"Honey, let's stay there!"
"Sure Babe."
Driving along a bit further, there was the Pacific Palms. Boy, this looked ritzy. It just looked so beautiful.. And the colours they used in advertising were just so appealing. Bright blue skies, light interior, etc. I felt relaxed just looking at the billboard. We were on our honeymoon, so why not!
"BABE! LET'S STAY THERE!" (dribble)
"Sure Babe!"
Driving along a bit further, we had made our minds up. We were heading to the Pacific Palms. We see this -I wouldn't even call it a billboard- poster. Faded colours, corny font... The El Paso.
"Pfft... Like they've even got a chance with the other two we passed."
"Pssssh... Yeah, Pacific Palms wins hands down."
We get to Pacific Palms. "No Vacancy."
We drive to Rydges. "No Vacancy."
We drive to The El Paso.

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