Saturday, October 10, 2015


I've been in the States for two and a half weeks without letting you know what's been happening. I hesitated writing sooner because I am right in the middle of everyday life here. Then I thought, "everyday life.. What does that even mean?" I was in the middle of "everyday life" in Thailand and Nigeria, and both of those were completely different to each other. Well, you guessed it - America is different again. Nathan is at work during the day, Isabelle is at school, Caleb is at preschool 2 days a week and things just sort of happen around that stuff. 

The kids are really sweet. Caleb is my little mate and can't wait to show me every single dinosaur in his dinosaur book. He also likes to educate me on his car collection. He sings along to almost all of Kellie's songs she plays in the car. Isabelle plays teacher and hands out "tickets" as a reward for good work and good behaviour. She even makes up worksheets for Kel and I to complete. I think I'm up to 9 tickets so far. They both love to draw and we will have drawing challenges where we each give someone something to draw (Nathan is of course included in this game).

We go to church on Wednesday evenings for the kid's and youth programs where the kids do their thing and Kellie is a leader for girls in year 10. My first week tagging along, I happened to meet a girl who was leading for the first time. It was so nice to meet and chat with someone new. I'd been really craving a sense of community since leaving Africa. It was so easy to bond over simple things like travel and work and all things in between. Kelsey was such a delight and made my night just so much more enjoyable. When the next week rolled by, we greeted each other like old friends. I feel kinda bad that she has invested so much of her time getting to know me and that I'll be leaving soon, when she could have been getting to know her group of girls that she will be leading. Oh well, it made a difference to me at least. 

Another sense of community I fell in love with while being here is the group of close friends that Nath and Kel have developed with two families in particular. They all came over one night, kids in one room, ladies in one corner and men in another corner. I made my way between both men and ladies groups throughout the night and felt right at home with this idea of family community. The guys were so much fun and willing to try vegemite and other Australian lollies. The girls didn't need props to have a decent conversation and I truly valued being a part of the "group" that night while the hoard of kids entertained themselves the whole night, with the occasional performance piece for the adults to clap and cheer over. 
It makes sense that I felt alive and in my element at the concept of community. Isn't that what I adored so much about "everyday life" in Nigeria? Why is this such a hard concept to put into motion back home? I feel as if Shane and I have been living on "surface" friendships with various people throughout the years. When will we move from "friends" to "community"? I was speaking with Jana about this and she pointed out to me that because my family is so spread out, I'm looking for family-quality friendships, while everyone else is just looking for friendships (if that). What a lonely place to be. God didn't give me this keen-as-mustard personality only to be dealt with semi-close or one-sided friendships. I need to trust that what I need is coming soon. 
I want to clarify something. I don't mean to say that the friendships Shane and I have now aren't good enough. I just know that I am built to go deeper. 

Another thing I know Shane and I are both craving is an area we can both serve in ministry together. I have no idea what that looks like or where it will take place but it's something else to work towards together. 

I've been extremely restless the last couple of days because Shane is coming! Caleb has been counting down the days for us which is totally adorable. Every night when he is being put to bed, I overhear him say things like "Only two more sleeps and Uncle Shane is coming!" And "Only one more sleep and it's going to be the best day ever!" Oh my goodness, Buddy.

It's been two months since I've seen my man! Only 2 hours until he lands in Detroit. Just to build the suspense, he is renting a car and driving here rather than me meeting him at the airport. I've GOT to find something to pass the time. I finished reading 'Little Women' (I ADORED IT!) and 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly' is too sad for my current frame of mind. I have surrendered my Disney colouring book to Isabelle and Caleb so my perfectionism will need a new one. Might be time to get out the old Women's Weekly Winter Puzzle book again while I count down the minutes until I am reunited with my other half. 

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