Monday, December 17, 2012

Japan Day 2

Today's plan was to go to the Ghibli Museum. 
((For those of you who don't know, Ghibli is an incredible creator of Japanese animation that Shane and I like so much, we have collected all of the movies that have been released. Among our favourites are Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.))

To get there, we took the scenic route and walked through the park. My goodness, Mum: I had to stop Shane every 30 seconds so I could take photos of all the many colours of the trees. You would LOVE Japan, if only JUST for the trees. 

Once we got to the museum, we frothed over every little thing and spent WAY less than what I was expecting to at the gift shop. 
There WAS an amazing jacket that Shane and I both really loved. But to buy just one, would have cost around aus$240. So we bought a little pin and some film excerpts from Howls Moving Castle and Spirited Away. 

After Ghibli, we wandered all over shinjuku in search of the famous road crossing, only to realise at the end of the day when our shoes were soaked through to our frost-bitten feet that the crossing is actually in shibuya, not shinjuku. Luckily,  shibuya is on our list of places to go while we are here. Found some amazing clothes and female fashion boutiques. A bit pricey but very dreamy. I think my style of clothing is quite Japanese, as I looked around these shops, there wasn't much I wouldn't buy if I had the cash! 

Walked around akihabara until what felt like midnight. I was starting to fade, as I'm a little fluey, So we walked back to our little Yanagibashi hotel and snacked on our "french" pastries we bought at "Vie De France". And some two minute noodles from Lawsons (7/11). 

Ate them in bed and crashed at 8:30pm?!?!? How sad are we?

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